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Ken's Magic Shop, LLC - Logo

Believe In Magic!

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Ken's Magic Shop is a family owned and operated business.  I've been involved in magic for over 60 years so when the opportunity presented itself we jumped at the chance.

In March 2022 we opened Ken's Magic Shop at 320 Blairs Ferry Rd. NE Hiawatha, IA (literally adjacent  to Cedar Rapids).  We serve customers through out Iowa and beyond.  Many out of state visitors find us, becoming not just customers, but friends.

Stop by and see our wide variety of magic items and more.  Visitors to the shop are always treated to a demonstration of magic.

Our top assistant, Alex, works Friday afternoons and all day Saturdays and speaks Spanish.  He is always happy to translate whenever needed.

You can also join us for two magic gatherings.  We are the meeting place for the local magic club, International Brotherhood of Magicians - Mombo Ring 327, meeting the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. The other get together opportunity is called Sunday Six O'clock Session. An informal group open to anyone with an interest in magic.  Those that attend have the opportunity to demonstrate a magic trick, Get feed-back on routines or just talk magic. The Sunday Session is held 10 days after the second Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Both groups help promote magic in the area.  You are invited to attend one or both of these groups.

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